Does phone charging using an Inverter cause any effect on it? - Dimpu Baruah

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Does phone charging using an Inverter cause any effect on it?

Most of the people asking me can I charge my phone when my UPS (Inverter as you might call it) is running say in case of a power cut? So in this article we will discuss if there is any effect on charging phone over Inverter.


Cell-phone charger is working in AC mode, whatever voltage is being supplied by the inverter, if the inverter is of a decent quality, and its supply ac power has a proper clean AC wave on the right voltage, then there should be no problem with the charger. There is "no effect" in it.

Here are some tips to avoid damage to battery while charging phone:
  1. Always charge the phone with original charger only.
  2. Always try to keep away your phone from heat. 
  3. Always try to keep your battery above 50%.
  4. Always try to avoid overnight charge. 

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